Fellowships and Internships

Empact Fellowship

Through our fellowship model, we allow students the opportunity to address problems and assess needs within their schools, communities, and the justice (disciplinary) system to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline, decrease violence, improve their socio-emotional well-being, and teach them how to advocate for themselves and others. We train them as social impact leaders while also providing generous stipends. It is our belief that students need more opportunities to utilize their voices and skills and develop as leaders. By helping them develop their skills and providing them with training they will become more involved in their communities resulting in change across Greater Cincinnati.

Empact DefinitionEmpowerment in Action; Through our programs, youth are not only receiving tools and learning to use them, but they are empowered with a sense of meaning, belonging, and purpose. This provides them with the room to be innovative and develop new ways to impact their communities.

Over a 20-month period Empact Fellows are given the opportunity to address problems and assess needs within their schools and learn more about their communities and organizations working to improve the livelihood of people of color through two tracks:

  • Community Building Track – Students will focus on their schools and communities.
  • Restorative Justice Track – Students will focus on their schools and the justice system. Students who have experienced disciplinary action within schools or the justice system are encouraged to apply.


BYE internships provide training and compensation to youth and emerging adults by exposing them to nonprofit and social impact work within their communities.